Convert mp4 to flv
Convert mp4 to flv

Because both file elements are compressed, MP4s normally have a smaller file size than many other video formats, but still maintain relatively high quality for sharing online. The video part is usually compressed with MPEG-4, and the audio is usually compressed using AAC, which is the audio format associated with iTunes.


MP4 videos are made up of video and audio elements that are compressed separately.

convert mp4 to flv

MP4 is usually the preferred format for uploading videos to YouTube, Vimeo or other websites. As MP4 is a standardised format, it will normally play easily on most devices and media players, including Windows Media Player, QuickTime, and VLC. It was originally developed by the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) but has become an ISO standard, meaning that it’s now maintained by the International Organisation for Standardization. MP4 was developed to be easily played and shared. MP4, sometimes called MPEG4, is one of the most common video formats. The file is similar in construction to the standard Flash file (.SWF) in that it stores the audio and the video in much the same way, and just like the standard Flash file it cannot be viewed on iOS. Sites wuchg as Hulu, Netflix and YouTube itself followed suit in moving to HTML5 for video playback, and in doing so almost killed off the FLV file format. In later years the popularity of the format waned, not least when Apple made a move to HTML5 as their standard file type for streaming video. Historically Flash video became the de facto file type for almost all video players in the early days of video on the Internet, thanks to the popularity of YouTube, and also the Flash plugin for web browsers, which ensured widespread support for the format. FLV files can be opened using software such as Adobe Flash Player and VLC. It follows the similar format that a flash extension (.swf) uses to store video and audio data. Although it is viewed in web browser using adobe flash player, many other players also support FLV files. The FLV file, or Flash Video File, was originally developed by Macromedia, a company who were later acquired by Adobe Systems in 2005. FLV is a Flash compatible video container that is used in several online video and audio streaming sites.

Convert mp4 to flv